Director of Programs plays a crucial role in the planning, coordination, and execution of various programs and activities within the ministry.

Position: Director of Programs

Job Summary: GLCM'S Director of Programs is responsible for overseeing and facilitating a wide range of programs and activities that promote spiritual growth, community engagement, and outreach within the Ministry. This role involves both administrative and pastoral aspects.

Key Responsibilities:

  1. Program Planning: Collaborate with the Ministry leadership, clergy, and volunteers to develop a comprehensive program calendar that aligns with the ministry's mission and goals. This may include worship services, educational classes, social events, and outreach initiatives.

  2. Coordination: Coordinate and manage all aspects of the ministry's programs, including scheduling, resource allocation, and volunteer recruitment. Ensure that programs run smoothly and effectively.

  3. Spiritual Formation: Provide leadership in the development and implementation of programs that promote spiritual growth and discipleship among the congregation. This may involve organizing Bible studies, prayer groups, and other spiritual development activities.

  4. Community Engagement: Create opportunities for members of the ministry to connect and build a sense of community. Organize social events, fellowship gatherings, and other activities that foster relationships among the congregation.

  5. Outreach and Missions: Develop and oversee initiatives for community outreach, mission trips, and charitable activities. Encourage ministry members to get involved in serving the community.

  6. Budget Management: Work within an allocated budget, making financial decisions related to programs, and ensuring that resources are used efficiently.

  7. Communication: Keep the congregation informed about upcoming events and programs through various communication channels, such as bulletins, newsletters, and social media.

  8. Evaluation: Continuously assess the success and impact of the ministry's programs, gathering feedback from participants, and making improvements as necessary.

  9. Pastoral Care: Provide support, guidance, and pastoral care to members of the congregation as needed, particularly in the context of programs related to personal growth and crisis intervention.



JOB DESCRIPTION: The Director of Operations is responsible for providing leadership and guidance to ensure that the day-to-day activity of the ministry is operating effectively and efficiently. The Director of Operations serves as the senior administrative leader of the ministry and interacts as needed with the Lead Pastor in the day-to-day management of programs and personnel. The Director of Operations provides direct oversight and supervision for matters related to the ministry's finance, administration, facility management, IT, human resource management and staff organization, security and risk management. The Director of Operations over-sees and directs administrative. financial, facility, technical, and staffing resources to execute the mission of the ministry and to support her worldwide goals.


JOB DESCRIPTION: . The purpose of this ministry is to assist the pastor in caring for the Body of Christ and to keep in touch with each member, responsible for welfare, of those in need, guest speakers, invitees and other responsible parties. This Ministry is headed by a TEAM LEAD. The responsibilities of a care ministry leader include assisting the pastor in caring for the saints of the ministry, praying for each family and individual in Ministry and those reaching out for prayers daily, taking roll call on all members of the ministry each service, “touching” in some way each member positively, examples, sending words of encouragement via text, emails or any other applicable means of communication. Following up with members who are not present for meetings, activities or services to express concern and desire to help if there is any problem (if you can’t reach them, you are to drop them a card or text etc), Alerting the pastor immediately if there are any serious problems or crisis (spiritual or physical) in the lives of members (minor problems can wait until the weekly meeting), giving special care and attention to any new converts or those whom the Lord has allowed to be part of the ministry, or just visiting. Performing other CARE duties as assigned.


Head by THE DIRECTOR OF MUSIC : The music ministry is responsible for developing and promoting the music. They direct the organization and implementation of a comprehensive gospel music program including choir, vocal and/or instrumental ensembles, and drama teams. They assist the pastor in planning congregational services for meetings/conferences/programs and are responsible for selecting the music. They serve as a leader in the worship services, giving direction to the congregational singing, choir, and other phases of worship. They direct major service choir and other choir or ensembles as personal schedule will permit. They cooperate with the ministry nominating committee to enlist and train leaders for the music ministry as well as song leaders and accompanists for the ministry's educational 'organizations. They serve as member of the Ministry Council or Ministry leadership team. They coordinate the music program with the organizational calendar. They lead in maintaining a music ministry committee, team, or council. They plan, organize, and promote concerts, choir tours, mission trips, retreats, festivals, workshops, clinics, and other special programs to enhance the music ministry. They oversee maintenance of the music library, materials, supplies, musical instruments, and other equipment useful in the music ministry. They prepare reports necessary to keep the organization fully informed concerning the music ministry.


Headed by a Media Team Lead; This ministry is Responsible for All Social Networking Like YouTube, IG, Facebook, Twitter etc. They are also responsible for marketing, adverts, publishing, broadcasting, websites, graphics, Flyers, banners, all digital and creative duties.